Broken Wings

Mar 01 1998 - Apr 13 1998
Gallery Space at D'Arte & Divetro, Bergamo
A cura di
Caterina Tognon, Paola Tognon

In 1998 the gallery D'Arte & Divetro presented 18 glass sculptures by Gizela Šabóková.

In Broken Wings exhibition Šabóková's works concentrate on problems related to the division and compression of volumes, problems which appear to the artist to be essential in relation to the cognitive processes of living. She recognizes a clear and defined order in the world, but simultaneously feels the presence of some sudden and dangerous processes: barriers, limitations and traps.
The resulting sculptures, their forms and the descriptive titles tell us about these fears: a clear example is the triptych composed of The Angel (in white glass), The Devil (in red glass), Broken Wings (in green glass – exhibited at the first Biennale of Contemporary Glass, Aperto Vetro, held in Venice in autumn '97).
Her works, initially linked to the work of her master Stanislav Libenský, developed with a precise technical evolution and a personal creative thought.


This exhibition took place in parallel with the exhibition Large glasses: sculptures by Libenský and Brycktová organized by the Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art of the Carrara Academy in Bergamo, from 8 March to 13 April 1998, under the loggia of the Palazzo della Ragione in the historic Piazza Vecchia. Stanislav Libenský, internationally recognized (in Europe, but above all in the United States) as the most important living sculptor of the Studio Glass movement, dedicated himself for 24 years (from '64 to '88) to teaching as Professor and Director of the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, becoming for his exceptional artistic and teaching skills, the cultural reference for many young artists.
The casting technique (open mold fusion), conceived and used by Libensky to produce large single-piece glass works in his professional studio, combined with a stylistic and creative rigor that excludes any complacency linked to the use of the material glass, was the starting point for all young artists from the end of the 70s.
Caterina Tognon, selecting among the valid disciples of Libenský, has chosen to exhibit the works of Gizela Šabóková in her Gallery.