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Sep 14 2024 - Nov 23 2024,
Gallery Space

After his presence at the 2023 exhibition “Bohemian Glass: The Great Masters” at Le Stanze del Vetro in Venice, Caterina Tognon invites you for the artist's first solo show in Italy.

Sep 14 2024 - Oct 27 2024,
Caffè Florian

For her solo show at Caffè Florian, Lilla Tabasso has created glass compositions dedicated to the Room of Seasons painted by Cesare Rota around mid XIX century.

Sep 04 2024 - Sep 08 2024,
nel Cottoloengo di Camagna Monferrato (AT), Italy

Curator: Carlo Falciani

The exhibition is inspired by the principles of La civil conversazione - a work written by Stefano Guazzo (born in Casale Monferrato in 1530) and published in 1574. It is like a journey in stages through the towns of Camagna, Vignale, Montemagno and Castagnole.

Aug 30 2024 - Sep 07 2024,
Gallery space

Curator: Zolaykha Sherzad

Zarif Design is a social enterprise based in Kabul, Afghanistan, that empowers artisans with dignity and economic sustainability by reviving the ancient traditions and skills of weaving, embroidery, and tailoring.

Mar 27 2024 - Jun 30 2024,
Museo di Castelvecchio - Galleria delle Sculture

Curator: Francesca Rossi

The extraordinary works presented

Feb 24 2024 - Jun 29 2024,
Gallery Space

Curator: with the participation of Jean-Luc Olivié, chief curator (glass) at Musée des Arts Décoratifs MAD Paris at the opening

Once again, after more than fifty years of a brilliant artistic career, Richard Meitner’s work seems poised once again to take on new and intriguing form.

Nov 24 2023 - Feb 29 2024,
Procuratie Vecchie | Piazza San Marco, Venezia

Featured artists:
Philip Baldwin and Monica Guggisberg, Marcantonio Brandolini d'Adda, Federica Marangoni, Michael Craig-Martin, Ritsue Mishima, Cornelia Parker, Maria Grazia Rosin, Silvano Rubino, Lino Tagliapietra, Giorgio Vigna, Pae White joined by pupils of the "Abate Zanetti" School of Murano

Sep 09 2023 - Nov 26 2023,
Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venezia

Curator: Rainald Franz and Michele Tavola

On the occasion of The Glass Week 2023 and four years after the death of the artist, the Gallerie dell'Accademia and the De Santillana Foundation Stichting present more than forty works, emblematic of the experimentation of the last years of Laura de Sant

Sep 09 2023 - Jan 09 2024,
Gallery space

Curator: Caterina Tognon and Claudio Spini

On the 350th anniversary of the birth of Rosalba Carriera (1673-1757), the project is dedicated to this extraordinary Venetian painter, portraitist and miniaturist, presenting a work by Lilla Tabasso and a publication with texts by Xavier F. Salomon – Peter Jay Sharp Chief Curator of the Frick Collection in New York.

Sep 07 2023 - Sep 10 2023,

Curator: Cristiana Perrella

May 14 2023 - Nov 26 2023,
Le Stanze del Vetro | Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice

Curator: Caterina Tognon and Sylva Petrová

Apr 29 2023 - Jul 29 2023,
Caterina Tognon Arte Contemporanea, Venezia

Mar 09 2023 - Mar 19 2023,
MECC – Forum 100, 6229 GV Maastricht, The Netherlands

We await for you at the MECC from 9 to 19 March, booth n. 717