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This is a project based on the reproduction of portraits of women of different ages and ethnicities on which the word “basta”has been printed in different languages, including the languages of native peoples.
Romano Abate
Alice Biba
Francesco Bocchini
Ludovico Bomben
Giorgio Cassone
Giuseppe Ciracì
Boris Contarin
Marie Denis
Silvia Levenson
Giulio Malinverni
Gianni Moretti
Maria Elisabetta Novello
The work Le porte regali (2021, bronze and porcelain, h. 240 x 200 x 170 cm) represents a peach tree in bloom with its roots pointing to the sky.
The exhibition highlights how Bertozzi & Casoni, who are part of the most important international collections, are universally recognized as those who have been able to harmonize the ability to synthesize conceptual design skills with high manual technical expertise.
On the occasion of the Venice Glass Week 2021, Lilla Tabasso and her glass flowers return to the Bauer Hotel, at the entrance, and to Caterina Tognon Vetro Contemporaneo gallery.
"The artworks included in this exhibition are either playful or thought-provoking, and sometimes both—seeming lighthearted at first but ultimately speaking to deeper, more complex issues.
From 05.05 to 22.08, 2021
OPENING on Wednesday, 5th May
At Quadreria di Triennale Milano
Viale Alemagna, 6 – 20121 Milano
Opening of the exhibition: Saturday, April 10, 2021
10 am | 7 pm
In the gallery space
1 February-18 April, 2021
Monday-Friday, 9 am-1 pm and on Thursday afternoons 2.30-6.30 pm
At Museo Civico Pier Alessandro Garda of Ivrea
The works of Cristiano Bianchin and Maria Grazia Rosin are now exhibited within the Franzoia-Nasci Glass Collection at Galleria d’Arte Moderna «Carlo Rizzarda» in Feltre.
Winter Break:
December 24, 2020 – January 06, 2021