Exhibitions | Events | News

May 01 2019 - Jan 31 2020,
Palazzo Barbaro, San Marco 2840, Venezia

Exhibition extended until the end of January

Visits by appointment, please contact : Caterina Tognon +39 041 5201566, info@caterinatognon.com


Elizabeth Royer Grimblat
is pleased to present


Mar 23 2019 - May 01 2019,
Caterina Tognon Arte Contemporanea, Venezia

Curator: Caterina Tognon in collaboration with the Artist

I am pleased to invite you to visit the gallery to admire the surreal world of Maria Grazia Rosin.



Feb 10 2019 - Mar 03 2019,
Chalet Farb, Farbstrasse 20, Saanen, Switzerland

Curator: Caroline and Eric Freymond in collaboration with Caterina Tognon
Sep 09 2018 - Oct 21 2018,
Gallerie dell' Accademia, Venezia

Project by Caterina Tognon


Sep 08 2018 - Dec 24 2018,
Gallery Space, Venezia



Jun 12 2018 - Jun 17 2018,

Caterina Tognon
is pleased to present:
Phytomorphism and Contemporary Glass

Cristiano Bianchin
Václav Cigler
Gaetano Pesce
Lilla Tabasso
Giorgio Vigna
Toots Zynsky

May 12 2018 - Jun 28 2018,
Caterina Tognon Arte Contemporanea, Venezia

Caterina Tognon is pleased to present The Richards, a duo show by Richard Marquis (Bumblebee, AZ, 1945; living and working in Seattle) & Richard Meitner (Philadelphia, 1949; living and working in Amsterdam). Marquis and Meitner have both been collaborating with Caterina Tognon since the 1990’s with gallery exhibitions or in public spaces.
This exhibition attempts to create a dialogue between two of the most important Masters of the Studio Glass Movement, who have developed their practice on different continents – Marquis in America (after spending time learning traditional techniques in Murano), Meitner in Europe, more specifically in Holland.
The two artists are internationally known as ironic, colourful, cheerful, highly original and always visually and technically ahead of their times. Their practices are regarded as a crucial in the development of glass sculpture as a critically recognised art form.

Apr 07 2018 - May 05 2018,
Caterina Tognon Arte Contemporanea, Venezia

Caterina Tognon is pleased to present And the Air Rushing Past, a solo exhibition by Richard Meitner (Philadelphia, 1949).
The show will be from April, 7th until May, 5th in the Gallery at Ca Nova di Palazzo Treves, in Corte Barozzi – San Marco 2158, Venice nearby the historical Hotel Europa & Regina, and only a two minute walk from San Marco Square.

Feb 17 2018 - Mar 31 2018,
Caterina Tognon Arte Contemporanea, Venezia

Caterina Tognon Arte Contemporanea è lieta di invitarVi in galleria per un'esposizione di CRISTIANO BIANCHIN e ALDO GRAZZI, in corso dal 17 Febbraio al 31 Marzo 2018 a Palazzo Treves alla Corte Barozzi, San Marco, Venezia.
Per la galleria è occasione di presentare un nuovo e stretto rapporto con Cristiano Bianchin (Venezia, 1963), artista che da sempre dedica il suo pensiero, le sue idee, il tempo e le forze al mondo magico del vetro di Murano.
Continua da diversi anni l'intensa collaborazione con Aldo Grazzi (Mantova, 1954). In mostra opere pittoriche composte a Perugia tra gli anni Novanta e Duemila, insieme a dipinti di piccolo formato appartenenti all'ultimo corpus di lavori, intitolato "La notte del gelsomino", proveniente dalla recente esposizione al Palazzo Ducale di Mantova.

Oct 10 2017 - Nov 26 2017,
Bauer Hotel Entrance Hall, Venezia

Vanitas, a solo show by Lilla Tabasso, was born from a collaboration between Caterina Tognon Art Gallery and the Bauer Hotel, on the occasion of the first edition of The Venice Glass Week, which took place from 10th September to 26th November 2017 in Venice, involving over one hundred events dedicated to the art of glass, with a particular focus on that of Murano.

The event was part of the programme of the Venice Glass Week 2017.

Oct 09 2017 - Oct 10 2017,
Atelier of the artist, Venezia

The event was part of the Venice Glass Week 2017.

Oct 09 2017 - Oct 17 2017,
Cà Pesaro Galleria Internazionale d'Arte Moderna, Venezia

The event was part of the programme of the Venice Glass Week 2017.

Sep 09 2017 - Nov 25 2017,
Caterina Tognon Arte Contemporanea, Venezia

Opening September 9th, 5.00 – 9.00 pm
Open from September 9th to November 25th, 2017

Caterina Tognon presents the first solo exhibition in Italy by the Australian artist Jessica Loughlin. afar will open from September, 9th until November 25th, 2017 in the venue of the Gallery at Ca Nova di Palazzo Treves, in Corte Barozzi – Sestiere San Marco, Venice nearby the historical Hotel Europa & Regina. The event was born from a collaboration between Caterina Tognon and Sandy Benjamin OAM, Melbourne, and it is part of the programme of the Venice Glass Week 2017.

May 13 2017 - Oct 17 2017,
Museo del Vetro, Murano

Mar 18 2017 - May 04 2017,
Caterina Tognon Arte Contemporanea, Venezia

Caterina Tognon è lieta di presentare Leda di Andrea Grotto e Grecale di Cristiano Focacci Menchini,
una doppia personale con gli ultimi lavori dei due giovani pittori.
Grotto e Focacci Menchini hanno studiato insieme all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia. Una forte
amicizia e scambi quotidiani li portano a lavorare su una base comune partendo da ricerche spesso
condivise, da cui procedono muovendosi per strade diverse