Exhibitions | Events | News

Jun 24 2022 - Jun 30 2022,

“Only masterpieces” in the ‘motto’ which continues to guide Tomaso Piva in choosing and appraising art and works of art for his collections. He looks with passion to Italian sculpture, furniture, ceramics, scientific instruments and to works of art.

Jun 13 2022 - Jun 19 2022,
Halle 1 Süd, Messe Basel, Swiss

Caterina Tognon is happy to announce the participation in the 2022 edition of Design Miami/Basel,

Apr 20 2022 - Sep 10 2022,
Caterina Tognon Arte Contemporanea, Venezia

After opening the great exhibition ANTROPOCENE at the Civic Gallery of Trento, Bertozzi & Casoni's works are exhibited until July 30 at Caterina Tognon gallery, Venice, with istantanee.

Mar 12 2022 - Jun 05 2022,
Galleria Civica Trento

Curator: From an idea by Vittorio Sgarbi. Curated by Gabriele Lorenzoni. In collaboration with Museo Bertozzi & Casoni.

In 1980 Giampaolo Bertozzi and Stefano Dal Monte Casoni founded Bertozzi & Casoni. The company is dedicated to ceramic sculpture, the expressive medium they chose as their area of activity.

Feb 22 2022 - Sep 15 2022,
Minneapolis, MN






Feb 13 2022 - Feb 27 2022,
Chalet Farb, Farbstrasse 20, 3792 Saanen, Switzerland



February 12, 2022 at 7:00 pm
with the extraordinary presence of the artist


February 13 - February 27, 2022
from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Jan 15 2022 - May 01 2022,
Basilica di San Giorgio Maggiore e Sacrestia, Venezia

Curator: Andrea Nante e Carmelo Grasso


Caterina Tognon è lieta di annunciare l'esposizione

Giampaolo Babetto
Segno e Luce

organizzata dall'Abbazia di San Giorgio Maggiore Benedicti Claustra Onlus.

Dec 01 2021 - Oct 20 2023

Arti visive e creatività | Art Matters
Arte e natura | Slowart 4all
Arte e eredità culturale | Heritage tours
Arte e cibo | Art your food

Nov 25 2021 - Dec 22 2021,
Galerie Eric Coatalem, Paris


November 25 - December 22, 2021
Opening November 25, 2021 | 5 am
at Galerie Eric Coatalem
136, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré - 75008 Paris


Oct 28 2021 - Dec 10 2021,
Embassy of Argentina, Washington DC, USA

This is a project based on the reproduction of portraits of women of different ages and ethnicities on which the word “basta”has been printed in different languages, including the languages of native peoples.

Oct 25 2021 - Dec 05 2021,
Opendream, Piazza delle Eccellenze, Via Noalese, 94 31100 Treviso Italy

Curator: Martina Cavallarin

Romano Abate
Alice Biba
Francesco Bocchini
Ludovico Bomben
Giorgio Cassone
Giuseppe Ciracì
Boris Contarin
Marie Denis
Silvia Levenson
Giulio Malinverni
Gianni Moretti
Maria Elisabetta Novello

Oct 05 2021 - Jan 08 2022,
R & Company Gallery, New York, USA



Sep 17 2021 - Oct 17 2021,
Museo Bertozzi & Casoni, Sassuolo

The work Le porte regali (2021, bronze and porcelain, h. 240 x 200 x 170 cm) represents a peach tree in bloom with its roots pointing to the sky.

Sep 04 2021 - Oct 31 2021,
Palazzo Vescovile, Imola

Curator: Marco Violi

The exhibition highlights how Bertozzi & Casoni, who are part of the most important international collections, are universally recognized as those who have been able to harmonize the ability to synthesize conceptual design skills with high manual technical expertise.

Sep 04 2021 - Sep 12 2021,
Hotel Bauer Palazzo, Venezia & Caterina Tognon Vetro Contemporaneo, Venezia

On the occasion of the Venice Glass Week 2021, Lilla Tabasso and her glass flowers return to the Bauer Hotel, at the entrance, and to Caterina Tognon Vetro Contemporaneo gallery.